Our Projects

Appeal – two storey side extension and rear extension in Twickenham

I attended a site meeting and drafted the appeal statement following the refusal of planning permission for a two storey side extension and rear extension.  I completed the forms and submitted the appeal for the owner of the house. Although the appeal was dismissed we successfully argued that the gap would not be blocked and therefore the principle of a two storey side extension was acceptable.  The only matters of concern were related to the design of the front porch and rear roof section of the side extension. These are to be amended and a new application is to be submitted.

Appeal – two storey side extension and rear extension in Twickenham Read More »

Success – planning permission granted against officer recommendation – Mortlake Two storey rear extension to a house in a Conservation Area

I was contacted by the owner of a property who had applied for planning permission for a two storey rear extension to a dwelling in a conservation area (and was locally listed). He had  been informed by the case officer that it would be refused.  I assessed the application and considered it had a good chance of gaining planning permission.  I negotiated with the head of planning at Richmond and requested that the application be determined by the Planning Committee. 

I drafted the speech for the owner to read out at the Planning Committee (I was away on holiday at the time).

Even though the planning officer recommended the application be refused, the Members of the planning committee unanimously voted to approve the application and it was duly granted planning permission.

Success – planning permission granted against officer recommendation – Mortlake Two storey rear extension to a house in a Conservation Area Read More »

Appeal submitted against a Lawful Development Certificate, Bletchingley

I was approached by a home owner following refusal of consent for a two storey rear extension to a detached dwelling in the Green Belt. This was a very technical issue on whether the extension could be interpreted as permitted development. The appeal was dismissed as the 30cm rear gable was considered as a side elevation. 

Appeal submitted against a Lawful Development Certificate, Bletchingley Read More »

Planning appeal for new dwellinghouse in Walthamstow – Success

The owner of the property submitted a further application which the Council refused on 3 grounds  – design, lack of cycle space and lack of financial contribution towards trees. We submitted another appeal and applied for an award of costs against the Council.  We were successful on all grounds with planning permission being approved for the new 3 bedroom dwelling and the Inspector agreeing with us that the Council had been unreasonable and awarded full costs relating to two of the reasons for refusal.  A great result.

Planning appeal for new dwellinghouse in Walthamstow – Success Read More »

Pre-application advice for a detached dwelling at the end of a garden Walton-on-Thames

We attended a site visit and advised on the likelihood of gaining planning permission for a new build house at the end of the garden of a semi-detached dwelling in Walton.  We advised the architects on the proposal and necessary amendments; drafted the planning statement and met with the Council’s planning officer to discuss the proposal.  The response was very positive and a planning application is to be submitted shortly. 

Pre-application advice for a detached dwelling at the end of a garden Walton-on-Thames Read More »

Success – listed building and planning permission granted for the demolition of the existing two storey side extension and rear steps; erection of replacement three storey side extension (with mansard roof) and single storey lower ground floor rear extension plus internal alterations to the main building in Barnes

There is much planning history to his property but planning permission and listed building consent were granted on appeal for extensions to a Grade II listed building within a conservation area.  I requested a Hearing for the appeal and represented the owner at the Hearing. The Inspector issued his decision within one week of the appeal hearing. A good decision after a long process. 

Success – listed building and planning permission granted for the demolition of the existing two storey side extension and rear steps; erection of replacement three storey side extension (with mansard roof) and single storey lower ground floor rear extension plus internal alterations to the main building in Barnes Read More »

Pre-application advice and planning application submitted – new dwellinghouse in Twickenham

Involved with a pre-application submission for the extensions to a small dwellinghouse to enlarge the space by extending it by two storeys. Attended the site meeting and advised accordingly. Wrote the planning statement and submitted the planning application with advice on Affordable Housing (and Viability assessment), Sustainable Construction Checklist, Energy Assessment, Parking issues, design issues, Room sizes, Neighbour amenity issues. Decision Pending.

Pre-application advice and planning application submitted – new dwellinghouse in Twickenham Read More »