Our Projects

Pre-application advice New dwellinghouse in Teddington

I was approached by a couple who were buying a house and wanted to build an end-of-terrace house on their plot. I undertook a site visit and drafted the pre-application letter providing a full justification for the development. The meeting held with the Council’s planners was very positive and the Council gave their verbal support for the scheme.

February 2017 – Planning application submitted for the new dwelling. I drafted the supporting planning statement and advised the applicant on matters relating to affordable housing, sustainability issues, parking, residential design standards, Community Infrastructure Levy, infill development, residential amenity issues and design. This was refused due to concerns with parking.​

September 2017 – Planning application submitted for the new dwelling. We submitted an amended planning application with more supporting evidence on parking and this was approved at Planning Committee.

Pre-application advice New dwellinghouse in Teddington Read More »

Planning application submitted for block of 5 flats in Virginia Water

I was approached by a home owner after having had planing permission refused and pre-application advice turned down for the redevelopment of their house for a block of 6 flats.  I attended a site visit and advised on instructing a new architect.  The re-design is a vast improvement and I drafted the planning statement and submitted the planning application.  Decision pending.

Planning application submitted for block of 5 flats in Virginia Water Read More »

Planning application submitted for two new houses in the Green Belt – Winkfield, near Windsor

Cameron Jones Planning were instructed to advise and draft a planning statement for the demolition of two houses and their replacement with two houses. The site has many protected trees and protected species and is within the Green Belt. All these issues were addressed in the Planning Statement. Granted planning permission.

Planning application submitted for two new houses in the Green Belt – Winkfield, near Windsor Read More »

Appeal – rear dormer in Teddington

We were requested by the owner of a flat to submit an appeal on his behalf for the erection of a dormer extension.  The owner was of the understanding that the dormer would be permitted development. However, as his property had been sub-divided into flats the dormer required planning permission.  The area is dominated by large rear dormers and therefore our planning statement focused on that.  Decision pending.

Appeal – rear dormer in Teddington Read More »

Objection letter against development of 21 flats and a restaurant at Westminster Fire Station

I was instructed by a group of residents who were opposed to the development of a 5 storey block of flats in very close proximity to their flats.  The building is Grade II listed and in a Conservation Area. The planning application was reported to Planning Committee and deferred following from our extensive letter.  I arranged for the Committee members to undertake a site visit. However, at the following Planning Committee the member resolved to granted planning permission. A disappointing result. 

Objection letter against development of 21 flats and a restaurant at Westminster Fire Station Read More »

Planning appeal for development of 2 dwelling houses in Fetcham

The designers of this scheme – to demolish the existing dwelling and re-build 2 on the plot – approached us to support the pre-application submission. The scheme was amended and we submitted the planning application with a supporting statement.  The Council did not support the provision of the new dwelling at the end of the garden. However, we have submitted an appeal against the decision. 

Pending decision.

Planning appeal for development of 2 dwelling houses in Fetcham Read More »

Planning appeal for roof extension above a shop in Ashstead

I was approached by the owners of the flat above a shop who had applied for permission for a roof extension to accommodate a new flat. However, after several months the application still remained to be determined.  I advised to appeal against non-determination and duly submitted the appeal following a site visit and drafting the appeal statement.  Pending decision.

Planning appeal for roof extension above a shop in Ashstead Read More »

Two storey side and rear extension to detached dwelling

We were approached by the owners of a bungalow who had had planning permission refused for a part two storey part single extension.  We advised on a re-design and supported the planning application with a full planning statement. We contacted the local ward Councillor who had previously objected and advised neighbours to support the application. 

Decision pending

Two storey side and rear extension to detached dwelling Read More »