Bracknell Forest

Successful Appeal – Rear Extension – Sandhurst

We appealed on behalf of our clients against the refusal at Planning Committee of a single storey rear extension and two air conditioning units at this detached bungalow in Sandhurst. The Council’s reason for refusal was the impact of the proposal upon the living conditions of nearby occupiers, having particular regard to outlook, light levels and noise.

The Planning Inspector agreed with our arguments and granted the appeal, also awarding costs against the Council.

Successful Appeal – Rear Extension – Sandhurst Read More »

Construction of a new café on an agricultural site within the Green Belt

Application for the erection of a single storey building on an agricultural complex to be used as a café to support the local agricultural workers and equestrians. This was an amended scheme to replace a previously refused application for a similar stand-alone café building.

Success – Planning Permission Granted.

Construction of a new café on an agricultural site within the Green Belt Read More »

Appeal Allowed for house extension in the Green Belt – Warfield

We submitted an appeal following refusal by BFBC for a modest house extension to a dwelling in the Green Belt.  The Appeal has been Allowed – the Inspector agreed that whilst the extension would have resulted in a 60% increase, it was in character with the host dwelling and did not harm the openness of the Green Belt. 

Appeal Allowed for house extension in the Green Belt – Warfield Read More »

Planning permission granted at Committee for an outbuilding in Ascot

We submitted an application for an outbuilding to be used as an annexe, ancillary to the main house.  The neighbours raised much objection to this and the application was reported within the local Ascot News. However, it was reported to Planning Committee and approved subject to a legal agreement to ensure it remains ancillary to the house. 

Planning permission granted at Committee for an outbuilding in Ascot Read More »

Planning application for Halfway House at Berkshire Golf Club, granted planning permission

We submitted a planning application for the erection of a toilet block with shelter and associated septic tank following the demolition of existing toilet block within the extensive grounds of the Golf Club. 

The application was supported with a Tree Survey and granted planning permission within 8 weeks.

Planning application for Halfway House at Berkshire Golf Club, granted planning permission Read More »

Public Inquiry for 350 housing scheme in Binfield

I acted for Bracknell Borough Council as their planning witness at a 3 week public inquiry (in December) against a scheme for up to 350 residential dwellings, land for a one-form entry primary school, a medical centre including pharmacy (1,200 sq m), a sports pavilion (140 sq m), open space, landscaping, Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) and drainage on land to the south of Foxley Lane, Binfield.

​I drafted a 10,000 word Proof of Evidence, attended meetings with the barrister, attended the site visits and gave evidence at the Inquiry. The Inspector dismissed the scheme due to the impact the development would have upon the landscape and due to its unsustainable location. A great decision for the borough.

Public Inquiry for 350 housing scheme in Binfield Read More »

Planning appeal allowed for a detached garage in the Green Belt – Winkfield, near Windsor

I wrote the planning justification for the retention of a detached garage adjacent to a detached dwellinghouse in the Green Belt. The Inspector agreed that the garage would not harm the openness of the Green Belt and approved the scheme for a temporary period of 2 years.

Planning appeal allowed for a detached garage in the Green Belt – Winkfield, near Windsor Read More »