Fiona Jones, BSc(Hons), BTP, MRTPI
Cameron Jones Planning is based in Ascot, Berkshire, and was established in 2012 by Fiona Jones BSc(Hons) BTP MRTPI, a chartered town planner with over 20 years experience within the planning profession. Fiona’s career has been within the public and private sectors across all aspects of the planning spectrum.
Fiona gained full membership of the Royal Town Planning Institute in 2000.

Career History
Senior Planning Officer
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
January 2014 – August 2015
Instructed by the Royal Borough’s planning team to help with determining planning applications while two members of staff were on maternity leave. Fiona also dealt with a significant number of major, minor and other applications and appeals (including public inquiries) across the Borough.

Deputy Team Leader, Development Control Team
London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
April 2001 – Sept 2006 and May 2008 – Dec 2012
Deputy Team Leader at The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames working within the appeals and enforcement team and becoming Deputy Team Leader of a planning application team, reporting applications to the Councillors and working on major schemes within the Borough.
Managed a team of planning officers and was also involved with over-hauling and upgrading the Council’s Planning website pages.
Fiona’s final role at Richmond upon Thames was to work within the Appeals team, acting for the Council at Hearings and Public Inquiries.

Principal Planner
GVA Grimley
Sept 2006 – May 2008
Employed by GVA Grimley to expand the Planning, Development & Regeneration team’s public sector
skill and knowledge base. The role was to lead on negotiations and planning applications for major corporate and private developers. This involved attending and promoting schemes at public exhibitions, negotiating S106 agreements and gaining planning permission for high profile projects across London and the south-east of England.
Projects ranged from new car showrooms for Lexus, the change of use of the John Lewis department store (Caleys) in Windsor to the Macdonald Hotel (listed building and conservation area issues involved) and 28 storey tower schemes with over 200 residential units for Ballymore Properties Ltd plus residential and mixed schemes for a variety of small scale developers.
Also worked on the extension to the National Physical Laboratory and power stations for EDF Energy and lectured to under graduates at Westminster University studying Planning, Housing and Urban Design.

Planning Enforcement Officer
Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
July 1999 – April 2001
Gained excellent experience dealing in planning law, enforcement investigations and formal legal action. Co-wrote the Council’s enforcement procedures manual but also processed planning applications and undertook appeal work.

Planning Heritage Officer
Bayside City Council, Melbourne, Australia
January to April 1999
Whilst travelling for a year, Fiona worked near Melbourne in Australia within the planning department of Bayside City Council. She provided listed building advice on planning applications, was responsible for overseeing the first heritage listing of properties within the municipality and organised the Public Panel Hearing.

Planning Policy Officer
Bracknell Forest Borough Council, Berkshire
September 1997 – October 1998
Team member during preparation for the Public Inquiry for the Development Plan Review: summarised and evaluated responses to the public consultation; prepared alterations to policy and proposals map; wrote proofs of evidence; presented evidence for the Council and was cross examined at the Public Inquiry.
Wrote policy observations for planning applications; undertook retail policy analysis and prepared of development briefs.