Richmond Upon Thames

Appeal Win – Dormer Extension in Hampton Hill

Cameron Jones Planning were successful in gaining planning permission by appeal for the enlargement of an existing dormer for a semi-detached chalet bungalow. The Council refused the application on the basis of the dormer being overly dominant, visually intrusive, and unsympathetic to the character of the area. Our appeal statement argued recent similar approvals in the area. The Planning Inspector concluded that the appeal proposal would not have unacceptable adverse effects on the character and appearance of the host property or the locality.

Appeal Win – Dormer Extension in Hampton Hill Read More »

Approval for extensions to Bungalow in Whitton

We provided a full planning service for this development of a small bungalow in Whitton. At the initial consultation stage we advised the architect on potential schemes that would be acceptable, paying particular regard to design and the impact on neighbour amenity. The planning statement accompanying the submission addressed national and local planning policies and Richmond’s supplementary planning documents and included a BRE impact on sunlight / daylight analysis for the neighbouring dwelling.

Approval for extensions to Bungalow in Whitton Read More »

Appeal Win – Extensions to detached dwelling in Hampton

Appeal allowed and planning permission gained for a two-storey side extension, single storey rear extension, the conversion of the existing garage to a habitable room, a loft conversion to a habitable room and two rear dormer extensions at this detached dwelling in Hampton.

We managed all planning elements of an initial successful application for the two-storey side extension, dormer extensions and garage conversion. A subsequent application for the rear extension was refused by the Local Planning Authority. We took this to appeal arguing the high standard of design, lack of neighbour impact and compliance with policy. The Planning Inspector agreed with our case and awarded planning permission.

Appeal Win – Extensions to detached dwelling in Hampton Read More »

Retrospective Permission Gained – Building of Townscape Merit, Conservation Area

Cameron Jones Planning prepared the Heritage and Planning Statement to support this retrospective planning application for a designated BTM within the Queen’s Road Conservation Area in Twickenham. The Council accepted our argument that the brick built porch was not out of character with the streetscene not detrimental to the dwelling.

Retrospective planning permission granted.

Retrospective Permission Gained – Building of Townscape Merit, Conservation Area Read More »

Appeal Success – Two storey and subterranean extensions in Hampton

Cameron Jones Planning successfully argued against the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames’s decision to refuse this application in the Hampton Village Conservation Area. Their decision was based on design, heritage, tree and ecology issues. We built a strong case against the Council’s mistaken view that the building is a locally listed heritage asset. With expert bat and arboricultural opinion, our planning appeal statement put a strong case for the two-storey rear, single storey side, and basement extensions. The Planning Inspector agreed with our arguments and allowed the appeal.

Successful appeal in Hampton, London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

Appeal Success – Two storey and subterranean extensions in Hampton Read More »

Glazed extension to dwelling in St Margaret’s Conservation Area

Cameron Jones Planning gained approval for a modern glazed extension to a grand three-storey semi-detached dwelling in the Saint Margaret’s Conservation Area, This followed on from a previously refused appeal for an Orangery. The Planning Officer praised the material choice and unifying design of the proposal.

Application reference: 23/1861/HOT

Glazed extension to dwelling in St Margaret’s Conservation Area Read More »

Variation of Condition Application – Changes to approved plans

We successfully applied to vary the condition imposed on a previously approved application in the Christchurch Road Conservation Area. On review of the original application, our client deemed the side dormers would be far too small to enable the family to gain adequate space in the loft and therefore wished to change the approved plans to allow for one larger dormer to both side elevations and raise the height of the existing chimneys. We argued that the revised dormer would not appear unduly dominant in scale on the roof slope and would not be detrimental to the conservation area.

Variation of Condition Application – Changes to approved plans Read More »

Successful Appeal – Front, rear and side extensions, and roof alterations

We prepared and submitted the appeal against the refusal of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames to grant planning permission for this two storey, semi-detached dwelling in the East Sheen Conservation Area. The Council objected to the two-storey extension of the rear outrigger and hipped-roof dormer. Their case had not been based on a site visit and had not taken account other developments in the area. We successfully argued the proposal would not be out of character with the surrounding area and would match the scale, form and appearance of the host dwelling.

The Inspector concluded that the proposed alterations would be appropriately sympathetic and respectful to the character and appearance of the existing building in terms of siting, design, height, bulk and mass.

Successful Appeal – Front, rear and side extensions, and roof alterations Read More »

Permission gained for extensions to large dwelling in Hampton Village

Cameron Jones Planning prepared a comprehensive planning statement for a two-storey side extension, the conversion of the existing garage to a habitable room, a loft conversion to a habitable room and two small rear dormer extensions for this five bedroom dwelling in the Hampton area of Richmond-upon-Thames. The development created an additional bedroom plus study space. We worked closely with the architect on a scheme that would be acceptable to the Local Planning Authority, harmonising with the streetscene and having minimal impact on the neighbours,

Application reference: 23/0513/HOT

Permission gained for extensions to large dwelling in Hampton Village Read More »