Our Projects

Objection letter for 3 dwellings in Ascot

Cameron Jones Planning has now written three objection letters against the development of a plot of land in Burleigh Road in Ascot – the first two applications were refused and the third is pending.  Objections raised were the harm the development would have upon the character of the area, the harmful impact on neighbouring residents contrary to the Ascot, Sunninghill and Sunningdale Neighbourhood Plan.

Objection letter for 3 dwellings in Ascot Read More »

Submission of an appeal against an Enforcement Notice

An Enforcement Notice was served on the owners on a remote part of Datchet for the use as a Green Waste depot.  The Council issued the notice as they were concerned about the impact of the process of mulching and chipping trees upon the openness of the Green Belt, flooding issues, the impact on neighbours and on the local economy.  The appeal has been submitted on grounds a, f and g – that planning permission should be granted for the use, that planning conditions could overcome any perceived harm and that 6 months is not long enough to comply with the Notice due to the drying time required for the trees to save them from being dumped in land fill.

Submission of an appeal against an Enforcement Notice Read More »

Submission of planning application for the erection of 2 industrial units in Datchet

We advised and drafted the planning statement to justify the erection of 2 new industrial units within an existing business park in Datchet. Issues included its relationship to neighbours and flood issues.  The new units will significantly improve the area visually while providing new premises for new businesses and aid the local economy.

Submission of planning application for the erection of 2 industrial units in Datchet Read More »

Planning appeal allowed for a detached garage in the Green Belt – Winkfield, near Windsor

I wrote the planning justification for the retention of a detached garage adjacent to a detached dwellinghouse in the Green Belt. The Inspector agreed that the garage would not harm the openness of the Green Belt and approved the scheme for a temporary period of 2 years.

Planning appeal allowed for a detached garage in the Green Belt – Winkfield, near Windsor Read More »

Success – planning permission granted on appeal Outbuilding to be used as ancillary accommodation in Twickenham

Planning permission granted on appeal for the retention of a log cabin at the end of a garden in Twickenham for the use by the owner for guests. Whilst the Council’s planners had recommended approval for this, the Planning Committee refused the application on grounds of noise and disturbance and use by those not associated by the owners. However, Cameron Jones Planning successfully argued that the building would be entirely incidental to the main dwellinghouse, that there would be no harm to neighbours and it was granted permission on appeal. 

Success – planning permission granted on appeal Outbuilding to be used as ancillary accommodation in Twickenham Read More »

Success – planning permission granted on appeal 2 storey side extension to house in Richmond

Planning permission granted was on appeal for a two storey side extension to a house in a Conservation Area in Richmond. The Council refused the application on the grounds that the proposal would block a gap and disrupt the pair of semi detached houses. Cameron Jones Planning successfully argued that there would be no harm from the extension and it was granted permission on appeal. 

Success – planning permission granted on appeal 2 storey side extension to house in Richmond Read More »

Planning application – Detached garage in Bracknell granted planning permission

Cameron Jones Planning were successful in gaining planning permission for a detached garage after a year long battle with the Council over its height. The owners had gained permission for the garage with a room in the roof but when it was built the roof was raised by 30cm. The Council received complaints that it was not in accordance to the approved plans and refused planning permission for an amended version of the garage.

I then provided advice and submitted a new planning application to retain the building as constructed presenting the application with a streetscene plan to show that there was no harm. 13 letters of support were submitted and the application was approved. The owners can now complete the building. The relieved owner stated “Thanks so much again. It really is wonderful news!”

View the planning application

Planning application – Detached garage in Bracknell granted planning permission Read More »

Appeal – two storey side extension in Hampton

The owner of a semi-detached dwelling approached us following refusal of planning permission for a  first floor side extension.  I advised that an amendment could overcome the concerns raised by the Council over infilling a gap between the properties.  The Council refused the amended scheme and I submitted an appeal against the refusal.  Decision pending.

Appeal – two storey side extension in Hampton Read More »