Our Projects

Glazed extension to dwelling in St Margaret’s Conservation Area

Cameron Jones Planning gained approval for a modern glazed extension to a grand three-storey semi-detached dwelling in the Saint Margaret’s Conservation Area, This followed on from a previously refused appeal for an Orangery. The Planning Officer praised the material choice and unifying design of the proposal.

Application reference: 23/1861/HOT

Glazed extension to dwelling in St Margaret’s Conservation Area Read More »

Approval – Single Storey Rear Extension

A seemingly simple rear infill extension to a terraced Victorian dwelling in Midhurst, West Sussex was complicated by the discovery of a roosting Myotis bat. We worked closely with the Ecology Consultant on two surveys and updated the application with necessary mitigation measures. Following a lengthy decision process, we were able to secure approval for our client.

Approval – Single Storey Rear Extension Read More »

Permission granted for large rear extension in Ascot

Our client approached Cameron Jones Planning following a previous refusal by the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead for a single storey rear extension at this detached dwelling in South Ascot. We advised on changes to the scheme that would comply with planning policy, and worked closely with the Arboricultural Consultant to avoid damage to the many protected trees within the grounds.

Application reference: 23/01560/FULL

Permission granted for large rear extension in Ascot Read More »

Very special circumstances for house extension in the Green Belt

Clients came to Cameron Jones Planning following refusal of a previous applications for extensions to the front and roof of this dwelling overlooking the River Thames, within the Green Belt. The proposal was deemed to be disproportionate and would impact on the openness of the Green Belt. We submitted a new application with revised floor area calculations that included the loft space and adjunct outbuilding as part of the original dwelling size. Although the proposed scheme was still over the allowable Green Belt size increase, as dictated by Runnymede Borough Council’s planning policy, it would be smaller in footprint than the existing dwelling. We argued that the scheme would be less harmful to the Green Belt than the current situation. The Planning Officer accepted this argument and allowed the application under very special circumstances.

Application reference: 23/1225

Very special circumstances for house extension in the Green Belt Read More »

Approval for dormer roof extension in Putney Conservation Area

Cameron Jones Planning worked on two planning applications to extend the roof space at this three-storey mid terrace dwelling in the Charlwood Conservation Area. The initial application for a hip-to-gable roof extension (2023/2812) was refused at appeal, deemed an incongruous addition that would harm the conservation area. We were successful with the second application (2023/2812) which proposed the replacement of the side dormer and enlargement of an existing rear dormer. The Planning Officer considered the proposal to preserve the special character of the conservation area.

Approval for dormer roof extension in Putney Conservation Area Read More »

Approval for new dwelling in Muswell Hill

Cameron Jones Planning led on all planning elements of this scheme for the erection of a new two-storey, plus basement, detached dwelling with associated parking and landscaping. We worked with consultants to deliver the Design and Access Statement, Energy and Sustainability Statement, Arboricultural Assessment, Ecology Report, and the Fire Risk Assessment. We tied all the reports to a detailed Planning Statement addressing all relevant policies, putting together a clear case for approval. The Planning Officer agreed with our case and granted approval for the scheme.

Alexandra Court Mews, Muswell Hill

Planning reference: 22/5241/FUL

Approval for new dwelling in Muswell Hill Read More »

Rear extension in Ascot approved following previous refusal

The clients approached Cameron Jones Planning following refusal for an extension to this detached dwelling in South Ascot. We were able to advise on a scheme that would be acceptable to the Council whilst still affording the extra space required by the client. The approval for the 7.5 metres wide extension came with tree protection conditions for the protected trees in the gardens which we were able to assist the client in discharging.

South Ascot rear extension

RBWM Planning reference: 23/01560/FULL

Rear extension in Ascot approved following previous refusal Read More »

Approval for two flats to single dwelling in Putney

This three-storey dwelling, within the Putney Embankment Conservation Area, was subdivided into two flats in the 1960s, one three bedroom and the other one bedroom. Cameron Jones Planning prepared the Heritage and Planning Statement which argued that the de-conversion would not result in the loss of a family unit (in line with Wands worth Council’s policy) but create a more usable family unit. Neither the three bedroom nor one bedroom units could be deemed as family-sized. The Planning Officer agreed with our case and allowed the application.

Application reference: 2023/2199

Approval for two flats to single dwelling in Putney Read More »

Playhouse and landscaping at prominent seafront dwelling

We were able to gain retrospective planning approval for a large playhouse in the front garden of this dwelling in Middleton-on-sea, plus new sliding gates with stone pillars. Cameron Jones Planning’s statement argued the additions would not detract from the character and appearance of the area nor impact on neighbour amenity. The Planning Officer agreed with our case and granted approval.

Application reference: M/41/23/HH

Playhouse and landscaping at prominent seafront dwelling Read More »